Naturopathic medicine can be used to heal, restore and maintain health within the body.

Naturopathic Medicine is founded on the following principles:

The healing power of nature (vis medicatrix naturae)
Acknowledging the inherent self organizing, intelligent healing processes of living systems. Naturopaths act to support and facilitate the bodies innate ability to heal itself. By identifying and removing obstacles to health and recovery, practitioners can support the creation of healthy internal and external environments.
Treat the whole person (tolle totum)
Naturopaths treat the patient, not a disease considering an individual as a complex combination of parts. Holistic assessment should consider a wide range of influences on health. Nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, genetics, physical, mental, emotional, stress, genetic, environmental and social factors of a persons life that should all be considered when consulting individualised care.
Treat the cause (tolle causam)
Rather than focussing of the removal or management of symptoms, naturopathic medicine identifies and addresses underlying causes of disease . The suppression of symptoms can interfere with the body’s healing processes and so is actively avoided.
First do no harm (primum non nocere)
Utilising methods which minimise risk of harmful effects and apply least possible force or intervention necessary to diagnose illness and restore health. When possible, Naturopaths use the least toxic and non-invasive treatments appropriate for each patient.
Naturopathic doctor as teacher (docere)
The original meaning of the word “doctor” is teacher. We educate, empower and encourage patients to assume responsibility for their own health. Naturopaths acknowledge the therapeutic potential in the doctor-patient relationship.
Health promotion and disease prevention
Patients are empowered to live a healthy balanced lifestyle to reduce occurrence of minor illness, and thereby risk of development of more serious disease. If you are currently on medication or working with other practitioners , naturopathic and herbal medicine can be used to compliment other modalities on your health journey.
Wellness is a state of being healthy characterized by positive emotions, thoughts and actions. Naturopaths understand that Wellness is inherent to everyone no matter what disease is being experienced. Wellness is a marked supporting factor in healing, recovery and for maintaining optimal health. Naturopathy goes beyond just restoring function.  



If you’ve made it this far, Well Done! You’re ready to improve your health and wellbeing and I would love to be able to support you on your journey.

Click here to make an appointment or for more information, please complete the form below and I’ll be in touch.